Sunday, February 2, 2014

Beast Representation Lord Of the Flies

    In Lord Of the Flies by William Golding, the beast on the island represents the fear of the unknown, through never physically seeing the creature, and the existence of the beast is the savagery inside of us. During World War II, a group of boys survive after a plane crash, and are left stranded on an island. They are faced to fend for themselves, with no adults present. Ralph, an older boy is elected as leader. Jack another boy on the island is jealous of his power,and uses the made up creature, referenced as a beast to control the boys. Since the beast has not made an appearance, the boys do not rationalize the possibilities of what it can be. The boys unite as one, to gain confidence under Jack's control. They chant, "Kill the Beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!"(152). This chant is yelled by all boys, giving them something to have in common. The use of this chant is a slogan. Slogans are used today to insure certain statements are embedded in society. After hearing something for a certain amount of times, it is accepted by the masses.Jack uses the fear of the beast to contain the boys, making all of their attention on one subject. The fear of the unknown has powers unlike any other. One's imagination usually exaggerates reality. While Simon, a boy on the island is searching for the beast he comes across a figure ahead of him. "The life-like movement would scare them off for a moment so that they made a dark cloud round head. Then as the blue material of the parachute collapsed the corpulent figure would bow forward, sighing, and the flies settle once more"(146). Simon discovers the body. He realizes there was nothing to fear, that the beast did not exist. When he heads back to the camp to tell the boys about his discovery, he is welcomed by the chanting boys who end up killing him. They have mistaken him for the beast. The murder of Simon provides an understanding of humanity. The beast does exist. Instead,
The boys are chanting kill the beast, while doing the rain dance around the fire. 
of the beast being a creature it is the beast inside of us that 
cause's destruction. 

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