Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lord of the Flies/Lost Discussion Question Writing Prompt

Evaluative Question: How could Piggy, from Lord of the Flies be a good leader if given the chance?

      People that have ideas that can benefit the rest do not always receive the respect they deserve; in Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Piggy a main character, lacks authority for his ideas to take effect. In Lord of the Flies a group of boys are stranded on an island after a plane crash during World War II. To stay alive, the boys must work together. To work sufficiently,  they decided to vote on a leader between two boys Ralph and Jack. Ralph and Jack are distinctly different in their nature, but both are confident with themselves. The presences of confidence provides a justification they will make a good leader. Ralph wins the vote and becomes the head boy.  He is down to earth and listens to others, but still would not be the best fit as a leader.  Piggy, another boy has attributes to help the stranded boys but lacks confidence and is more reserved to express his thoughts. When he does speak, his voice is quieter and does not use the same force as the others. Also, Piggy's appearance does not resemble the other boys. He is larger with adult like features that make him look different in comparison to the rest."He wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose. The frame made a deep pink v on the bridge"(pg 11). How Piggy presents himself takes an effect on how the boys treat him. When someone is different from the rest, it becomes easier for people to blame their problems on them.  If he was able to relate to them he would be the leader of the boys. His ideas are some of the most thought out and best among them.  He would set rules that are fair and benefit all, but make decisions that will be best in the long run. He has a higher maturity than most of the boys, and see's the bigger picture of what will happen in the future. With this being said, there are a few negatives that would come with him being leader. Even though he is a person that thinks out their decisions ahead of time, he is scared easier then the rest. This would not benefit the boys, because when they are in a dangerous situation he would not be able to function. 

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