Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lord of the Flies/Lost Discussion Question Writing Prompt

Evaluative Question: How could Piggy, from Lord of the Flies be a good leader if given the chance?

      People that have ideas that can benefit the rest do not always receive the respect they deserve; in Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Piggy a main character, lacks authority for his ideas to take effect. In Lord of the Flies a group of boys are stranded on an island after a plane crash during World War II. To stay alive, the boys must work together. To work sufficiently,  they decided to vote on a leader between two boys Ralph and Jack. Ralph and Jack are distinctly different in their nature, but both are confident with themselves. The presences of confidence provides a justification they will make a good leader. Ralph wins the vote and becomes the head boy.  He is down to earth and listens to others, but still would not be the best fit as a leader.  Piggy, another boy has attributes to help the stranded boys but lacks confidence and is more reserved to express his thoughts. When he does speak, his voice is quieter and does not use the same force as the others. Also, Piggy's appearance does not resemble the other boys. He is larger with adult like features that make him look different in comparison to the rest."He wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose. The frame made a deep pink v on the bridge"(pg 11). How Piggy presents himself takes an effect on how the boys treat him. When someone is different from the rest, it becomes easier for people to blame their problems on them.  If he was able to relate to them he would be the leader of the boys. His ideas are some of the most thought out and best among them.  He would set rules that are fair and benefit all, but make decisions that will be best in the long run. He has a higher maturity than most of the boys, and see's the bigger picture of what will happen in the future. With this being said, there are a few negatives that would come with him being leader. Even though he is a person that thinks out their decisions ahead of time, he is scared easier then the rest. This would not benefit the boys, because when they are in a dangerous situation he would not be able to function. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


 Interprutive or Evalutive Question:  Describe how leadership helps in times of need, what makes a good leader?      

    The use of leadership can be described as a given trait that comes naturally to some, but not others. In the show Lost, a group of people are stranded on an island after a plane crash. Jack, a doctor, helps the injuired and becomes a leadership figure. When problems arise on the island, or someone needs
advice they turn to him for support. It is human nature to want someone or something to go to in times of need. In daily life, when children are scared they turn to their parents, and adults: friends, family or holy figures. A person that shows compassion and sympthy towards ones well being  creates a good leader. Shortly after the plane crash, the scene in Lost focuses on Jack. At first he is utterly confused, but instead of waiting in a daze he observe's his surrondings to see what is happening around him. He looks around and sees a pregant women having trouble after the crash. Being a doctor, he rushes over to help. While he is attending to her, he notices that there are others in need. Jack knows he needs to help the others, but also does not want to leave her alone. He finds a healthy passenger from the flight to stay with the pregant women, and tells him to yell for him if needed.  In a situation like the one Jack is put into, few would react the same way that he did.  Jack stays clam and uses the skills he has to attend to others around him. This portrays a person that puts others before himself or herself, and manages well under stress. A person like this is critical for being a leader. Most people would not have been able to act the way Jack did. Instead of staying clam, many would panic about being stranded, not knowing the future, and how to deal with their own injuries. Being a leader is about not always thinking about yourself, but the bigger picture. One might not benifit as greatly,but if the vast magority do isn't that what is important? 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The deserted house

The crisp air entered the cracked open window of the old abandoned house. It was midwinter of 1907 in rural Washington.  A blizzard overtook the small town and all where inside except for a small group of teenagers.  While walking home from one of their house's, they stopped in front of the large iron gate of the abandoned house.
    All where silent and peered through the iron gate.  One by one, each person whispered to each other what they thought existed in beyond it. Over the years they had heard many different stories of what took place there.  The oldest boy decided he wanted to find out the outcome for himself. He told the group he would be back in a few minutes and started to climb up the massive gate.  Each step he took his feet struggled to support him from going higher.  When he made it over, he realized he would not be able to get out since the back of the gate was a smooth piece of cement that was over twenty feet high.  Feeling uneasy, about his decision to enter the property, he continued on a windy forest trail to the abandoned house.  As he started up the trail he heard a high pitch scream in the distance.  It sounded like his younger sister as he called out her name. The girl responded with a weak cry, "get out while you can."
    The boy could feel his heart start to race and it became uneasy to breath. He ran to the house to save the girl. As he approached the front door, it was covered with blood. The girl was no where to be seen.  He tried to open the door and it would not budge. He looked up and saw an upstairs window open. After multiple attempts he made it into the house. 
     The house was empty filled with a heavy coating of dust. Down the hall, he saw a shadow.  He crept toward it hoping it was his sister. Instead he found a zombie covered in blood smeared across his front. He was in awe, and refused to except what stood before him. In a matter of seconds the zombie approached him. Not knowing what to do, the boy ran the opposite direction. Shortly after making it to the trail, he feel on a branch. The zombie gained speed and caught up to him. One short cry was all that was heard.  
    After an hour his friends became worried and decided to search for him.  Nothing was found but a trail of blood. To this day the story is still told. No one figured out the cause for his disappearance, but the small group that saw him climb over the fence. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013


       I am a posting my writing for the fun I have with English. On my free time I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I don't have a favorite book, but enjoyed reading The Book Thief. I found this book to be very inspiring, and a unique perspective for the Holocaust. It made me think how lucky I am to have the lifestyle I do. 
 My writing goal for this year is to deepen my understanding for the text I read, and be able to write more analytically.  A quote that describes me is "If nobody hates you, you are doing something wrong"(House). I like that this quote encourages people to be different, and not to care what others think.