Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fiction Blog Post 2

Evaluative question: Hypothesize how does confidence plays a role in who a person is?

Nick and Norah on their first date
In Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan, Norah struggles to find confidence to enter a new relationship. After Norah meets Nick, she finds out they have a lot in common. They are both newly out of a relationship, have similar taste in music, and complementary humor. She is attracted to Nick, but lacks confidence if she is ready to take on a current relationship. She continues her first date with him until she feels overwhelmed. “I race out of the room, slamming the door behind me with my foot..”(83). Since she has broken up with Tal, she thinks she will never find anyone who will love her again. Even though this is not true, the thought of this is frightening. Teenagers are at a point of there life were actions seem surreal. Many experiences they go through are for the first time in their lives.  They feel invincible until they are taken down. Once they lose this confidence it is hard to gain back. Tal was Norah's transition from childhood to adulthood. Instead of having a great experience with him, she was criticized and stripped of who she is. Nick unlike Tal is considerate, funny, and caring. She realizes this, but is still nervous she is not good enough for him. In society today this is a major issue. People need to come to the relaxation that no one or nothing is "too good for them". If a person is being the best person they can be that is what is most important. Another point to make is a relationship does not define someone. It is important to take things at the pace they see fit. If the person is not ready for the commitment, then they are not ready. Not much can be done about it. A person is only young for a certain amount of time. Instead of wasting it contemplating if they are ready for a relationship, this time should be spent doing what makes them happy with people that support them. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Essential Question

                                                                 Topic: Music
Essential Question: Are the lyrics of popular music harmful to childern's development?

Claim: The lyrics of popular music are harmful to children's development.

Reason: The reference to drugs and alcohol in the lyrics of music provide an influence to take part in these activities.  

This is musical notes
Evidence:  The use of drugs and alcohol in the teens' of the United States has been a growing problem. Today in music,the use of drugs and alcohol are heavily referenced. From Miley Cyrus talking about the use of Molly, to Drake spreading the slogan Y.O.L.O, you only live once, teens recieve the wrong message of the consumption of these products. Instead of relizing the harm of them, they believe since major stars are taking part in such activities in must be safe, or not a big deal. Teens are in a time in their life where they are finding who they are. They want to feel excpeted by the rest of there peers, friends, and sociey as a whole. They tend to conform to others to try to fit in. Musicans are major influences to the younger generations. If a star is taking part in a certain thing it makes it seem "cool" or the right thing to be doing. Stars are not shown getting hurt or the aftermath of the choices they make. Instead of teens focusing on celebrities, one should focus on what benifits them.