Friday, March 28, 2014

Survey results

 Access to survey results were not able to be completed. This is a hypothesis to want results were thought to be. Many people listen to more then anticipated, when ask daily hours listened. All people agreed that a world without sound, would be strange and something that we can not anticipate the  experience of. The most  popular genre of music is pop, since it is the most well known.  Music affects people in different ways. Some people are emotionally moved while others are not affected.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Objective Summary: The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality

      In Robert H. Franks text, The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality, Frank discusses the income gap between the upper and lower class of the United States, and the affects this has taken upon society.  Frank starts his article by stating society's wealth is created by new interprise.  The creation of interpirse in the United States has enpowered a growth in the economy.  Society influences the creation of goods within the area. If most revenue is created from the "higher archy of society" goods will be desgined for these people. The middle and lower class's then suffer from this change making necessities less accessible.  The struggle for the these classes is not understood from the upper class, since they have not expierned it in daily life. Many politicains, legislators, and top earners come from the upper class.  Since these people are composed of upper classmen, they have a highly influencial affect on the conductivity of society. Top earners are more exsable to legislators then the middle and lower class. Because of this, they have a higher rate of influence within research orginzations and political affiars. The second topic Frank talks about is the competition for success in the United States. Today with new technologies it has become harder to be succesful within ones profession.  With improvments in trade, communication, and technology, many jobs have a small percentage of the top "elite" who are considered to be very succseful.  These elite groups, become smaller with higher and higher amounts of revenue; while middle and lower class people struggle to make ends meat against leading corporations. For example, Apple and Microsoft our leading corporations for the computure software. With only two main suppliers for the world people gravitate to the top companies. This creates a income gap for society. The head of these compines become imensely rich, where as all competion is engulfed in debt.  Many people aruge the income gap is based off of oppurtunity. The Author feels the wealty have a higher oppurtuntiy to be succsefull, with oppurnties that are not provided to the masses. Starting at a young age the upper class enrolls their childern in top ranking schools with prestigous acedemics, athletics, and extracurriculars. They can afford tutors and a numerous of other advantages to insure suscess in their childern.  Familes with tigheter incomes do not have this oppurtunity. Many childern coming from lower income backgrounds have to support themselves and help to support their families.  When collage comes around, going may be out of the question if they are not finalicaly alliagable. With this stated, these families have already fallen behind to improve their economic standing, increasing the gap between the rich and poor. Franks final point in the text talks about unless something is change, America's fincail gap will continue to grow.  A change is nessicary for differing results, otherwise the gap will only continue to become worse.

Frank, Robert H. "The Vicious Circle of Income Inequality."The New York Times.The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2014.Web.27 Feb. 2014.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tech Friday 3

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This Is Your Brain on Music:pages 168-203

In pages 168-203 of This Is Your Brain on Music, David Levitin explores human emotions. Music is known to push our emotions. Rhythms are composed to portray specific points. If a composition has a vast difference in pitch, it is inferred as suspenseful. In contrary a song with a higher faster beat is inferred as joyful. Our brain’s link music to specific events. If someone hears a song when they experience a traumatic event, in the future if the song is listened to again, a relapse of emotions will occur. The cerebrum is responsible for our emotions. It codes for hormones to be released while listening to music, sounds, and daily life interactions. Music stimulates our brains. Neurons send specific signals through neurotransmitters, allowing certain emotions to be expressed. Different genres of music have a higher chance to affect how we present ourselves and feel overall. The last point Levitin made is about an experiment involving mice. In a study, lab mice that listen to scream music have a much higher chance to become cannibals. With this said, this does not mean humans that listen to this genre of music will ever turn to cannibalism. It does prove though certain genres of music affect your mood in different ways.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Objective Summary: This Is Your Brain On Music Section Two

In section two of This Is Your Brain on Music, Daniel Levitin discusses the science behind foot tapping and the way our brain perceives music.  He describes how foot tapping is divided into synced pulses from the brain.  When a song is played, each person's 
                          This is a video of seals moving to the beat of music.
perception of the tune differs. If a song is catchy, people will tap their feet or hum to go along with the beat. The act of footapping and humming is automatic, though it is a voluntary response. Even though one might not be conscious if they are tapping their feet, they can  stop this action if desired. Humans are not the only creature that moves to a beat when a sound is heard. Primates, seals, and certain breads of birds also move to the rhythm of music. Levitin furthermore elucidates about the timber of a person's voice. Timber is the pitch of the vocal cords. When a person talks, the timber of their voice differs. The timber of someone’s voice can show a person's emotions, health, and more. If a person is sick their voice will be hoarse, or if they are happy at a higher timber then usual. Finally, Levitin emphasizes how the brain reacts to diffent sounds. Each brain is unique. A sound that one person may find soothing may be irritable to another. The way the brain reacts to noise is a vital factor to how sound is perceived